When you’re in a dental emergency, it can be hard to think clearly, but acting quickly can make a huge difference in saving your smile. Whether you have a sudden or severe toothache, a loose or dislodged tooth or restoration, or bleeding cuts, you’ll need to get the right help as soon as possible to preserve your grin.
You probably know that when a medical problem happens, you should head to the nearest ER for immediate attention. It’d be easy to assume that the same holds true for oral issues, but that isn’t necessarily the case. Continue reading to learn 3 emergencies that should be addressed by your dentist instead!
Issue #1: Knocked Out Teeth
Athletes and others who participate in close contact activities or team sports are vulnerable to injuries to their face that could potentially dislodge a tooth (or several) from its socket. It’s natural to think that you need to get to an emergency room right away to deal with it, but in these instances, it’s often better to start with your dentist. Depending on your situation, there’s a chance your tooth can be saved. If it’s whole and in relatively good condition, it can be cleaned and reinserted into its socket to reintegrate with your jawbone.
However, the cells on the root are only viable for a short period of time so you’ll need to act fast. It’s not uncommon for the doctors at the ER to refer you to your dentist if they don’t have the right training or equipment to help you. That means you can save time, and potentially your tooth, by calling your dentist first.
Issue #2: Severe Toothache
If you’ve developed a sudden, persistent, or severe toothache, you might think it’s best to head to an urgent care center to address what might be causing it. After all, discomfort in your teeth or jaw can be due to several circumstances, and you want to see a professional who can help identify and treat the real issue.
Although the ER is adept at handling a myriad of medical emergencies, they don’t have equipment specifically designed to assess oral concerns. Meanwhile, your dentist has access and training to use specialized devices like intraoral cameras, CT/cone beam scanners, and digital X-rays. This advanced technology can be utilized to determine the extent and cause of the damage quickly. Then, they’ll take steps to address your pain and treat the problem.
Issue #3: Lacerations to the Mouth
If your gums, tongue, lips, or the insides of your cheeks have been cut and are bleeding, your dentist can help. They can stitch minor wounds closed and use their equipment to ensure that you haven’t sustained a deeper or more serious injury in your teeth, gums, or jaw. That said, if your bleeding doesn’t slow or stop after applying firm pressure for 10 minutes, it’s best to head to the emergency room.
Now that you understand why contacting your dentist is often better, you’ll know who to call if you ever find yourself in an urgent oral scenario!
About the Practice
At Esplanade Dental Care, you and your family benefit from a team of dentists who are dedicated to helping you improve your oral health. They have decades of combined experience offering a full array of services to meet all your needs at one convenient location. Their team understands that emergencies can happen at any time, so they offer patient-friendly hours and same-day appointments so you don’t have to wait for relief. If you need immediate attention, you can contact the office on the website or call (630) 493-0914.